Space quantum key distribution - Paul J. Godin

This talk will present an overview of the upcoming Canadian Quantum Encryption and Science Satellite (QEYSSat) mission, including payload and ground station development. QEYSSat's primary mission goal is to preform quantum key distribution (QKD) using polarization-based protocols such as BB84. To achieve this, QEYSSat is equipped with a photon detector module that will record polarization encoded photons from the ground.
Additionally, a quantum optical ground station (QOGS) is under development at the University of Waterloo; this process includes the characterization of light pollution at the chosen location, construction of a custom telescope capable of sending/receiving signals with QEYSSat, and the development of different quantum sources. The current sources being investigated are an entangled photon source and a weak coherent pulse source (WCP).
Lastly, QEYSSat also will have a WCP source on board to send polarization encoded photons from space to ground. This secondary payload is being developed and tested at the University of Waterloo; while the photons sent from this payload will be detected and analyzed by a University of Calgary ground station.